Sunday, May 6, 2012

Welcome to the Survival Blog!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.  On this blog I'll be posting reviews on various survival-based tools, equipment, clothing, guides, books, DVDs and other related materials.

These reviews will vary from survival knives, to backpacks, to comparisons of different brands and models of equipment, all the way to firearms and their advantages and disadvantages.  The information will try to be as unbiased as possible, and I'll strive to keep biased opinions to a minimum, so the blog feels good for everyone.

Of course there will be times when my own opinions show through, and I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help that.  This blog will be a learning experience just as much for myself as for anyone else reading, so please excuse how my ideas and preferences might slowly change over time as my thought experiments and experiences grow and the comments and points of my readers hit home.

My posts will not have any political charge unless there's something going through congress that directly effects my ability to continue the blog, or infringes the rights to own and use the equipment herein.  This means I can be expected to make posts about bills that would restrict internet privacy, or right to bear arms.  I am adamant, however, in not making posts involving Republicans vs Democrats, or Liberal vs Conservative.  You guys can read about that elsewhere.  I just want to talk about survival with everyone and get some good brand names and models out there for my fellow survivalists.


  1. HELP ME I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I'm depending on you to teach me how to combat the zombie apocalypse.

    1. Highly unlikely I'll have much help for that.

    2. Well, crap. I guess I will just have to throw friends and family to the ground to allow me more time to escape.
