Thursday, June 21, 2012


I'm still here in California listening to Christy write music for a project she and I are working on.  We've been talking about a lot of things and plans for us, I'll give a basic run down of them all in this post.  These include long term things that might not become real for a few years.

Here are our plans:

We want to get a home somewhere relatively isolated in Colorado.

We want to raise a few chickens for eggs.

We want a good herb and vegetable garden.  Over time we'd hope to expand it into full self sufficiency by growing our own wheat and a small patch of corn for the animals.

We both really want to get into archery.  She and I have been looking at PSE Recurve bows.  Her the Razorback 30#, me the STALKR 35# because I can't deny a bow named after my favorite game.  We'll be taking an Archery class tomorrow and I intend to take some pics of us.  Maybe video if they allow.

We want to also raise some goats,  for milk, meat, cheese, and butter.

We are looking into learning blacksmithing on our own.  We know it's a bad idea now to take an apprenticeship to learn, but that's not really an option for us.  Realistically, at most we'd make things for around the house, arrow heads and knives.  It's not that likely some experienced survivalists are going to mess that one up too much.  I might try playing around with railroad spikes forging them into axe heads.  Would need some good spring steel for the edge, though.

We plan to get a small anvil at first and a small forge fit for little more than maybe forging arrowheads and some basic lamellar scales if we get in the mood for some Persian warfare.  We'll likely expand from there.  When I get home I'm going to order in some chainmail rings and some tools and see what I can make.

She and I also have a little project in the works right now making our own fan made STALKER video game for PC.  Demo soon.

More posts soon.

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