Monday, May 14, 2012

7.62x54R Dummy Rounds Review

I love my Russian Mosin-Nagant 91/30 more than I could possibly say.  As my first rifle, and the rifle with the most character I've ever seen, I've become emotionally attached to it.  I love holding, cleaning, and practicing with my rifle while at home, but given the essential lack of a safety mechanism on the rifle, I always feel uncomfortable loading live rounds into it, even though I practice proper muzzle and trigger discipline.

One night while browsing Amazon I decided it was time to be able to practice with my 91/30 properly.  I purchased 5 dummy rounds of 7.62x54R for training uses.  Here are my thoughts on them.

The dummy rounds loaded into my 91/30 Mosin-Nagant.  Notice the hole drilled through the casing.

The rounds are pretty great.  They chamber very well and their weight isn't that far off from real rounds, and extract and eject great.  They're rounds from various companies, it'd seem, and have the primers had all been struck atleast once before to fully disarm them.  I wish I could say they chamber in a PSL/FPK or SVD well, but I don't own any of those.  Due to the nature of semiautos, though, dummy rounds are of limited worth, anyway.

There's really not that much I can say about dummy rounds, honestly.  I mean, they do what they're supposed to do.  They're an excellent training aid that allow you to "shoot" in the comfort of your own home without killing your neighbors.

My only complaint would be that due to the nature of the rounds, they are exceptionally front heavy.  This has caused issues in the Mosin-Nagant resulting in the rounds jamming in the internal magazine.  This can be fixed by being extra careful to load the rounds in a certain way to overlap the rims of the casings consistently so each round above's rim is further forward than the one under it.  

Loading the rifle through a stripper clip.

Extracting and ejecting fine.

The rounds on top of some unrelated Ulyanovsk ammunition.

I've found with normal rounds, this has never been a problem, but with the dummies it is.  It can be fixed, once again, by loading the rounds properly.  This isn't a good complaint, mainly, because the fix to it is actually a very good habit to form.  

All in all I'd suggest them if you have a rifle chambered in 7.62x54R.  These are excellent.

These can be bought from:

This is the first post with the photos from the actual camera rather than phone camera.  I hope you  guys appreciate the quality difference.

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