Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Posts in Progress

Hey guys, currently working on a couple of posts in tandem.  Will be releasing them over the next week or so as I finish them.

  • Upcoming review on the Ka-Bar Becker BK-2 Companion Survival Knife.
  • Upcoming review on 7.62x54R Dummy Rounds.
  • Upcoming introduction to survivalism.  Will be a gateway post, opening up others.

These are all posts that are in progress at the moment.  The other topics listed in previous post are still on the chop block, but aside from the BK-2 knife, are not currently being written.

I am also getting some equipment together to let me start using an actual camera rather than phone camera.  Picture quality will increase dramatically.

Ka-Bar Becker BK-2 Companion

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